Pertumbuhan Kambing Boerawa Grade 1-4

Nilai Pemuliaan Sifat-Sifat Pertumbuhan Kambing Boerawa Grade 1-4 Pada Tahapan Grading Up Kambing Peranakan Etawah Betina Oleh Pejantan Boer
June 6, 2009, 7:55 am
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Oleh: Sulastri,Ir.
Lembaga Penelitian
Dibuat: 2007-12-28 , dengan 1 file(s).

Subject: Kambing-Pengembangbiakan
Call Number: 636.3 Sul n c.1

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Penelitian dilakukan pada populasi kambing milik anggota kelompok tani Sumber ezeki, Desa Campang I, Kecamatan Gisting, Kabupaten Tanggamus dengan metode eksperimental. Tujuan penelitian secara keseluruhan adalah embandingkan performans pertumbuhan, performans reproduksi, performans produksi, dan mutu genetik kambing Boerawa (Saburai ) Grade 2 (G2) dengan ambing Saburai Filial 1 (F1). Pengamatan tahun pertama dimulai 4 Januari ampai dengan 15 September 2007 dengan tujuan membandingkan performans ambing Saburai G2 dengan Saburai FI. Bahan penelitian terdiri dari 30 ekor ambing Saburai G2 dan 30 ekor Saburai Filial 1 (F1) betina yang sudah beranak satu kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa performans pertumbuhan (ratarata obot lahir =3,83 ± 0,13 kg, bobot sapih=24,62 ± 0,93 kg, dan bobot ahunan = 41,28 ± 1,87 kg) kambing Saburai G2 lebih tinggi daripada Saburai Fl (rata-rata bobot lahir = 2,87 ± 0,15 kg, bobot sapih=24,01 ± 1,35 kg, dan bobot setahunan = 38,38 ± 0,94 kg ). Performans reproduksi (efisiensi reproduksi 115,38 ± 12,31 %, service per conception=1,200 ± 0,407 kali, dan litter ize=1,94 ± 0,28 ekor ) lebih baik (P<0,05) daripada kambing Saburai F1(efisiensi reproduksi = 113,17 ± 6,69 %, service per conception=1,80 ± 0,61 kali, an litter size=1,67 ± 0,01 ekor ). Performans produksi (nilai Daya Produktivitas induk = 28,61 ± 2,46 kg dan Indeks Produktivitas Induk =77,90 ± 11,28 kg,) kambing Saburai G2 lebih tinggi daripada kambing Boerawa (Saburai) Fl (Daya Produktivitas Induk = 25,69 ± 1,50 kg dan Indeks Produktivitas Induk = 70,84 ± 11,90 kg). Mutu genetik (Nilai Pemuliaan = 25,78 ± 1,89 kg dan Most Probable Producing Ability pada bobot sapih= 24,80 ± 0,63 kg ) kambing Saburai G2 lebih tinggi daripada kambing Saburai F1 (Nilai Pemuliaan = 22,71 ± 0,76 kg dan Most Probable Producing Ability =22,71 ± 0,71 kg). Disimpulkan bahwa performans kambing Saburai G2 lebih baik daripada Saburai Fl.

This research was conducted to compare growth performance, reproduction erformance, production performance, and genetic potential of Boerawa (Saburai) rade 2 (G2) with Saburai Fl. Experimental method were used in this research by studying performance of 30 female Saburai G2 and 30 female Saburai F l that has given birth one time at Saburai goat population of farmer groups Sumber Rezeki at Campang I village, Gisting, Tanggamus, January 4th 2007 up to September 15th 2007. Result of this research indicated that growth performance (the average of birth weight =3,83 ± 0,13 kg, weaning weight = 24,62 ± 0,93 kg, and yearling weight = 41,28 ± 1,87 kg) of Saburai G2 does were higher than that of Saburai Fl does (the average of birth weight = 2,87 ± 0,15 kg, weaning weight = 24,01 ± 1,35 kg, and yearling weight = 38,38 ± 0,94 kg ). Performnce of reproduction (reproduction efficiency = 115,38 ± 12,31 %, service per conception= 1,200 ± 0,407 , and litter size=1,94 ± 0,28 kids) were better than that of Saburai PI does (reproduction efficiency = 113,17 ± 6,69 %, service perconception=1,80 ± 0,61, and litter size=1,67 ± 0,01 kids). Performance of production (Does Productivity Potency = 28,61 ± 2,46 kg and Does Productivity Index =77,90 ± 11,28 kg,) of Saburai G2 does were better than that of Saburai Fl (Does Productivity Potency = 25,69 ± 1,50 kg and Does Productivity Index = 70,84 ± 11,90 kg). Genetic Potency (Breeding Value = 25,78 ± 1,89 kg and Most Probable Producing Ability on weaning weight = 24,80 ± 0,63 kg ) of Saburai G2 does were better than that of Saburai Fl does (Breeding Value = 22,71 ± 0,76 kg dan Most Probable Producing Ability =22,71 ± 0,71 kg). It could be concluded that performance of Saburai G2 does were better than that of Saburai Fl does.

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